$9B SV Tech company

A while back, during an offsite meeting with my management team, we tackled a problem that all of us, as senior managers in a late-stage startup, are facing. We recognized the need for coaching, but not the typical tips and tricks that we had learned as leaders and managers a long time ago. We were seeking something different -- a coach who could truly understand us on a deeper level.

To truly understand what motivates us, both positively and negatively, we must contemplate the kind of individuals and leaders we aspire to become. We should also consider the type of team we would like to be.

We needed a coach, someone who comprehends management and organizations, as well as the driving forces behind leaders and individuals. This person should embody the roles of a coach and a therapist, guiding and supporting others.

If you've ever watched the TV show "Billions," you may recognize Wendy Rhoades, the coach who brilliantly motivates the team to achieve peak performance and secure the best financial results for the company. Picture someone like Phil Jackson or Steve Kerr. Personally, I never believed such a coach existed. Every coach I've encountered has offered something, but quite frankly, they were "full of shit".

I was introduced to Alexandra Wicksell, a former tech leader turned coach. She offers a comprehensive holistic coaching experience by combining her unique observations, quick problem-solving abilities, psychology, meditation, relaxation techniques, and more.

I made a bet and initially asked Alexandra to coach me. However, I quickly realized the value and asked her to coach my entire team. This decision was one of the most significant I have made as a leader.

Alex has had a profound impact on my leadership style and team interactions. I no longer feel isolated or anxious like many founders and CEOs. She has given me a sense of calm and developed my internal strength to navigate through highs and lows. This transformation has greatly influenced both me as a leader and as an individual.

The impact she has had on my team is significant. She not only elevated my leadership skills but also transformed our team dynamics.